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Ear Services
Ear: Service

1. Hearing Assessment

  • Adult Hearing Test

  • Children Hearing Test

  • Newborn Hearing Test

  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

  • Hearing Aids

2. Tinnitus Evaluation

  • Checking Tinnitus frequency/tone/loudness

  • Medical Tinnitus treatment

  • Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

5. Aspiration of Middle Ear Fluid


Otitis media with effusion is a common ENT disease.

If medical treatment is tried and failed, surgical drainage is indicated. A small incision (hole) can be made with a micro-instrument and fluid can be drained by suction

4. Ear Toilet Under Microscope


Apart from examining the ear canal and the eardrum, the microscope can also help removing any ear wax, foreign body or infective material like pus

7. Grommet Insertion


Grommet is a small ventilation tube which is inserted through the small artificial opening on the eardrum. The tube will fall off in 6 to 18 months

Who needs the operation?

Those who have middle ear infection with effusion


Why have the operation?

The aim is to equalize the pressure on both sides of the eardrum so as to improve hearing. In case of acute middle ear infection, insertion of the small tube can help to drain the pus out.


Surgical risk and possible complications:

Common risk: recurrence, infection, bleeding, residual perforation of eardrum (around 1%)

Less common risk: hearing loss, vertigo, facial nerve paralysis, dislodgement of ventilation tube into middle ear, implantation cholesteatoma

8. Eardrum Repair (Tympanoplasty)

Eardrum repair through surgical means, a graft from the muscle near the ear is taken which is then used to repair the hole on eardrum


Surgical Risk and Complications

More common risk (around 1%): allergic reaction to ear packing, infection, ear bleeding, loss of taste sensation

Less common risk (<1%): hearing impairment, dizziness


What would happen if NO eardrum repair operation?

Recurrent infections with ear discharge, sometimes it may come with further hearing impairment due to damage to the inner ear structures

Eardrum Repair (Tympanoplasty)

9. Mastoidectomy


Mastoidectomy is an operation to remove disease in the middle ear cavity, mastoid antrum and mastoid air cells. (The bony structure behind the ear)


Who needs the operation?

People who have Cholesteatoma, acute mastoiditis, some cases of chronic suppurative otitis media need the surgery.


Surgical risk and possible complications:

Commoner risk: recurrence and residual disease, infection, bleeding, worsening of conductive hearing loss, taste loss or disturbance, allergic reaction to packing, dizziness

Less common risk (<1%): facial nerve injury, partial to total sensorineural hearing loss, ear canal stenosis, pinna deformity due to infection of pinna, intracranial injury


What would happen if NO operation?

Persistent infection, intracranial complications such as meningitis (inflammation of the brain membrane) and intracranial abscess ( pus in the brain area) facial nerve paralysis, infection of inner ear will result.

Hearing Assessment
Tinnitus Evaluation
Microscopic Examination
Ear Toilet Under Microscope
Injection of Medication to the Middle Ear Cavity
Grommet Insertion
Aspiration of Middle Ear Fluid

6. Injection of Medication to the Middle Ear Cavity

In case of certain middle ear illness, injection through the eardrum has to be performed. In such situation, the microscope is used to aid the whole process. Especially for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, or uncontrolled Meniere's Disease.

3. Microscopic Examination


The use of high-powered Carl Zeiss operative video-microscope gives the best visualization of the ear canal and the ear drum

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